Monday, March 29, 2010

Wrestlemania Aftermath, Random Funny Stuff


Wrestlemania Aftermath, Random Funny Stuff

So Wrestlemania has come and gone. I can't really say I was disapointed or upset with anything. With me, it's always the little things, and I'll be happy to point a few of those out. But, other than the little things, it was an awesome show.

So here's what I thought:

The tag match was well timed, just enough to get it done and get people moving a little.

I was kinda surprised to see Orton win, I was hoping Ted DiBiase was going to do something out of this on his own, but I guess that's for another time. Orton seems to have hit his face turn now, and it's going to be interesting to see where he goes with things.

I'm certain that NO ONE saw Jack Swagger winning the Bank last night. While he was clearly at Charlie Hass's garage sale on Saturday, he did a great job screwing up the unhooking process, but it's also going to be interesting to see where his story goes now, especially since they didn't seem to have too much for him before this.

I expected Triple H to go over, but I thought it was going to be a much better match. It almost seemed soft, but I hope it continues, because I know these two have MUCH better things in themselves for a much better match.

Plain and simple, I wanted Punk to win, but I'm hoping that this isn't over either. He should have something awesome for Rey at Extreme Rules.

Bret Hart's match wasn't a disapointment. Hart Dynasty got on camera, which is awesome, and it's always nice to see Bruce Hart and Diana Hart act when thier on television. They're so special...

I didnt see Jericho retaining here, so it was a great shock to me. Not only that, but the match was fantastic. Good solid mat work, some great high spots, and it was safe and spectacular. More on safe later.

Batista and Cena put on a good match, although I wish I could have seen Batista keep the belt here. He's a great heel, a total jacked up !@#hole that wants everything thats coming to him and more. It's a good role for him, as we haven't seen heel Batista this good since Evolution.

I wish Vickie Guererro 's match was face friendly, but I get that thier trying to get her over as the uber heel. It's understandable. I liked the Eddie shout out. Very nice touch, and I was happy to see that some of the fans got it.

Undertaker and Shawn Michaels delivered the match of thier careers, but it has definetly got to show you how close Undertaker is to retirement. If he didn't hurt himself last night, I was totally fooled by his sell. He was limping on his way down to the ring, he landed goofy coming off the Old School reversal, and HBK landed on him pretty strange on the Moonsault. King said he thought Undertaker had broken his leg, and at one point, it looked all wobbly and wiggly, much like the infamous Sid incident. Do you know about the Sid incident? Let's look at it...


It just came across to me that something was seriously, seriously wrong with his leg. I liked the end of the match, and how they gave Shawn his time to walk down from the ring and back to Gorilla position. I'm sure RAW is going to be fun tonight, and it's going to give the answers I need from last night.

Now, for a brief COMMERCIAL break!!!

So, if you haven't been following my Facebook or my other work on Fight Network, then you haven't heard... ALPHA 1 IS DOING ANOTHER SHOW AND IT'S WELL ON ITS WAY!!!

The show is going to be featuring some of the hottest names in Indy Wrestling! SABIAN from CZW, SOLDIER ANT from CHIKARA, ETHAN PAGE, JOEY KINGS, HORNET, RIP IMPACT, and of course, the RETURN bout!

Last time they faced off, Hacker Scotty O'Shea and Ronin Josh Alexander went to the limit! The time limit that is... After both men tired everything they could, including Hacker hitting both the Firewall and the Blue Screen of Death, nothing could put the other away. NOT ONLY THAT, But Alexander refused the handshake after the match, just walking away to the backstage area. Who will come out on top this time? Will Josh Alexander be able to pull the plug on The Hacker or will The Hacker 'worm' his way past the Ronin's auspicious offence?

IT ALL COMES DOWN TO IT ON APRIL 11TH AT THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ON PARKDALE AND QUEENSTON! This si what PRO WRESTLING in HAMILTON is all about. Ass kicking, take no names, fly through the air, slobberknocker action! It's family friendly entertainment, it's priced right at ten bucks, and it's a great Sunday out with the family. Why wouldn't you go? Honestly? What else are you doing that day? Gardening? Screw it, just come down to the wrestling matches for a few hors, have a good time, grab a slice of pizza and a pop, maybe even buy some stuff off the merch table. Either way, you're going to have a good time, for minimal cost, and see some top tier professional wrestling. It's the best value in entertainment in the city!

And now, for your listening enjoyment. I found this on Youtube a little while ago, and I find it gets truer and truer as time goes by. Ladies and gentlemen, Voices That Care. It's a charity video, for the Troops of the original Iraqi conflict, your fave and mine... DESERT STORM!

ENJOY and I'll see you next time!

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